Is your financial advisor charging you unnecessary, hidden fees? Most people are confused about how much they are being charged for financial services and fees are frequently hard to decipher on financial statements. Learn the tricks of the trade and how investors are too often charged fees without knowing it. How can you make sure not to overpay?
Join Estate Planning & Tax Planning Lawyer Jim Cunningham, founder of CunninghamLegal, for an honest conversation with Christina Lindsey Orta of Ascent Wealth Management.
In this legal webinar, we’ll talk about how your financial advisor makes money, for example:
- Compensation Models
- Commission only
- Fee-based (hybrid)
- Fee only
- Salary plus bonus
- Fee Considerations
- Efficiency Strategies
Types of fees:
- Assets Under Management (AUM)
- Hourly Financial Planning or Consulting fee
- Retainer fee (could be % of assets or net worth)
- Flat fee (menu of services)
- Performance-based fees
Types of Commissions:
- Insurance/Annuity Commissions
- Trading Commissions
- Mutual Fund Loads
Who’s who in the world of financial advisors?
- Broker dealer
- Registered Investment Advisor
- Wirehouse
Finally, we’ll discuss whether you need an advisor or you should just do your financial planning yourself!