CA PROP 19 LEGAL STRATEGIES: Preserve CA Prop 13 Estate Planning

URGENT PROP 19 UPDATE: The deadline of February 15, 2021 has now passed. But CunninghamLegal has A NEW PROP 19 STRATEGY to retain Prop 13 caps for your children. Read… and see the webinar at… for more details!

California Estate Planning Attorney Jim Cunningham breaks down the IMPORTANT differences and changes in law for California Proposition 19, Proposition 58, and Proposition 13. Prop 19 mostly ELIMINATES the ability to pass on your Prop 13 tax caps to your children or grandchildren!

In this webinar Jim Cunningham of CunninghamLegal gives details on the legal strategies now being implemented by estate planning attorneys and tax experts that can potentially save your Prop 13 cap inheritance for your children–if you ACT FAST before the Feb. 16 deadline! Take note that due to weekend, holidays etc., the “real deadline” to take action is more like Feb 11th, 2021!


Replay the webinar!

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