Creative Income TAX STRATEGIES for BUSINESS Owners in 2021

Few business owners take the time to investigate creative tax strategies and savings techniques like opportunity zones and solar investment tax credits—are you even aware that such things exist? Even fewer owners act in a timely way to nail down tax savings. Spoiler alert: by the time you have to file your return, it’s too late. All business owners should attend this eye-opening webinar on significant, but often little-known ways to cut your income tax bill.

Phil Wilson of accounting firm Marcum LLP joins California Estate Planning Attorney Jim Cunningham to discuss creative income tax strategies for business owners in 2021.

Among the topics we tackle in this legal webinar are:

The importance of tax planning, especially on a quarterly basis and multi-year tax planning
Tax Benefits Basis: tax credits, tax deductions and tax deferrals
Federal opportunity zones and Federal empowerment zone tax credit
Commercial Solar Benefits
The S Corporation
Use of Charitable Trust to Defer Taxes

And above all, why you MUST have an “A-Team” to help you strategize!

Replay the webinar!

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