Family Estate Plan MEETING: CA PROP 19 Inheritance Tips

PROP 19 UPDATE: The deadline of February 15, 2021 has now passed. But CunninghamLegal has A NEW PROP 19 STRATEGY to retain Prop 13 caps for your children. Read… and see the webinar at… for more details!

You NEED to have a family meeting with your adult children on Estate Planning right away! Expert California Estate Planning attorney Jim Cunningham discusses CA Prop 19 and Prop 13 protection issues and crucial estate and long-term care plans for elderly parents. People often make these plans without ANY discussion with the loved ones who will actually have to deal with those plans later on. The result? Confusion, error, and conflict as the inheritance issues get worked out, sometimes in court. In this vital workshop, one of California’s best Estate Planning Attorneys takes you through a family discussion of all the vital CA Living Trust, Property Tax, and Long-Term Care options.

You need to do this right away because California, PROP 19 has changed everything. CunninghamLegal can help you understand how it may threaten your Prop 13 tax caps on your property and what you may need to do before the deadline of February 16, 2021 to urgently rethink tax strategies for your children or grandchildren.

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