Looking for a top Estate Attorney in the Huntington Beach area? Choose CunninghamLegal to help you with Estate Planning, creating your California Living Trust, or Trust Administration.
Partner & Managing Attorney Rachelle Lee-Warner heads our Huntington Beach estate planning attorney office and serves clients in the Huntington Beach-area communities.
At our Huntington Beach office, you can access CunninghamLegal’s full expertise and set of California Legal Services, including California Estate Planning, Trust Administration, Asset Protection, Probate Law, and Elder Law.
Why You Need an Estate Planning Specialist
Choosing a Living Trust attorney in Huntington Beach shouldn’t be a snap decision; the consequences can be long-term and far-reaching.
Estate Planning is a complicated, constantly changing field that demands precise expertise. Often, lawyers take on Estate Planning as a small sideline business and lack the bandwidth to keep up with ever-shifting California inheritance or “Death Tax” laws, and even less time for federal inheritance tax shifts that may affect your estate plan.
Changes to inheritance law come often and can be dramatic, for everything from trusts to taxes to IRAs. Ongoing review of your estate plan is vital.
That’s why each attorney in our practice spends a substantial amount of time each month on professional development—both attending and leading webinars and seminars. Our estate planning law firm understands the importance of helping clients find a customized estate plan. That’s why every part of our process, from the free consultation to the most challenging trust litigation, is based on continually renewed and enhanced knowledge.
You’ve searched “living trust attorney near me,” but you aren’t finished looking for a lawyer in Huntington Beach—or thinking about Estate Planning. Don’t rely on a random online trust mill. All Living Trusts require customization, no matter how simple you may imagine your situation to be.
Think Local
Having a local estate planning and probate attorney in Huntington Beach really matters.
Estate Planning requires a personal relationship. As the world pivots to attorney video conferencing with Zoom, we understand the value of having an attorney with a local office for signatures and paperwork. This not only simplifies the handling of documents, but also ensures that all aspects of your wishes are understood, allowing the lawyer to serve your best interest in every situation.
Just as importantly, only a full-time Huntington Beach-area estate attorney will maintain the right contacts with local accountants and financial planners so we can work together for you.
About Partner & Trust Administration Attorney Rachelle Lee-Warner
Rachelle Lee-Warner is an experienced estate planning attorney and Partner at CunninghamLegal, specializing in Trust Administration. Her even-keeled manner and quiet strength have guided hundreds of grateful clients during challenging times.
Rachelle realizes that every person who walks through the doors of CunninghamLegal does so under completely different circumstances. As an attorney, she treats each client as if they are her only client.
Besides specializing in Trust Administration, Rachelle brings a broad range of skills and experience to help you to succeed in your Estate Planning and Probate matters. Furthermore, she is often asked to bring her deep understanding of business and tax issues to the table, enabling clients to achieve or exceed their goals.
What Does CunninghamLegal Do?
The lawyers and staff at CunninghamLegal help people plan for some of the most challenging times in their lives and then provide guidance when those times come.
Our office has represented families of every imaginable type, large and small businesses, celebrities, professionals, and people at every level of income and complexity of assets. Many of our clients work with us immediately after they’ve gone through the loss of a loved one, be that a parent, a spouse, a sibling, a partner, or a grandparent. We’re here to provide stability during such times, to guide and protect every client. That frequently includes Trust Administration, and helping new Trustees understand their role after a death.
Above all, we at CunninghamLegal always approach our work with ethics, knowledge, and care.
Make sure your Last Will and Testament, your Living Will and Health Care Directive, Living Trust, Powers of Attorney, and Estate Plan are up to date with your current family situation and the latest laws.
We Look Forward to Working With You!
Make an appointment with CunninghamLegal for Trust Administration and Estate Planning in Huntington Beach. and Trust Administration. We offer in-person, phone, and Zoom appointments. Just call (949) 386-1340, or book an appointment online.
Huntington Beach
IMPORTANT NOTE: This office is staffed only by appointment..
7755 Center Avenue, Suite 1100
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Phone: (949) 386-1340
Fax: (805) 496-0825