Are you looking for a good San Francisco Estate Planning attorney in the Bay Area to create your California Living Trust?

Our team of San Francisco probate lawyers, headed by CEO and founder Jim Cunningham, serves clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and nearby communities.

Here you can access CunninghamLegal’s expert team and California Legal Services, including California Estate Planning, Trust Administration, Asset Protection, Probate Law, Elder Law, and other estate litigation solutions.

About San Francisco Bay Area Estate Planning Attorney James L. Cunningham, Jr., Esq.

Jim Cunningham, founder and president of CunninghamLegal, is the bestselling author of the book Savvy Estate Planning. He also holds the rare distinction of being named a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law by the State Bar of California Board of Specialization. Jim is a frequent speaker on estate planning topics, and serves as lead attorney for the entire CunninghamLegal team.

Jim’s professional memberships include the California State Bar, Ventura County Bar Association, El Dorado County Bar Association, WealthCounsel, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), California Advocates for Nursing Care Reform (CANHR), Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), Vistage International and Capitol City Trial Lawyers Association.

You Need a Specialized Estate Planning Lawyer

It’s not easy choosing an Estate Planning attorney in San Francisco—or at least, it shouldn’t be.

Estate planning is a dynamic, ever-changing field that thrives on focused expertise. Many people advertise themselves as a San Francisco probate attorney and handle the occasional estate plan as a small sideline. They aren’t keeping up with ever-shifting California inheritance or “Death Tax” laws and federal inheritance tax shifts. That’s why having a specialized San Francisco estate planning attorney provides maximum protection for your legacy.

Every CunninghamLegal living trust attorney in San Francisco helps people plan for some of the most difficult times in their lives and provides guidance when those times come.

Inheritance law changes frequently and dramatically, affecting everything from trusts to taxes to IRAs. That’s why every estate planning attorney in San Francisco at CunninghamLegal spends serious time each month on professional development.

If you’ve searched “estate planning attorney in San Francisco, CA” or “probate attorney in San Francisco,” you’re off to a good start, but you can’t stop there. Skip the online trust mills. A Living Trust requires customization by an experienced estate planning attorney in San Francisco, no matter how simple you may imagine your situation to be.

Why You Need a Local, Experienced Trust Attorney in San Francisco

Local is essential for an estate attorney. If you’re in or near San Francisco, you want an estate planning attorney who knows the area. Only a local attorney can assist with implementing plans for estates that meet your goals and help you meet and work with the other local financial experts in the area.

Estate Planning is a personal relationship. Even if video conferencing is more convenient, you will always want an estate planning and probate lawyer in San Francisco for signings and paperwork. When you contact an experienced estate planning attorney in San Francisco from CunninghamLegal, you can also get a free consultation where our attorneys will evaluate your needs and offer advice on the next steps.

Just as importantly, only a full-time estate planning lawyer in San Francisco will maintain the right estate-related contacts with local accountants and financial planners to work together for you.

What Do Living Trust Attorneys Do?

The lawyers and staff at CunninghamLegal help people plan for some of the most difficult times in their lives, then provide guidance when those times come. Estate tax is a complicated subject, and a specialized and trustworthy law practice is needed to provide legal counsel, and help you set up your own future and the future of your heirs.

Our trust and estate lawyers in San Francisco are experts, and have represented families of all types, large and small businesses, celebrities, professionals, and people with every level of income and complexity of assets.

Many of our clients work with us right after they’ve gone through the loss of a loved one—a parent, a spouse, a sibling, a partner, or a grandparent. We help to provide stability during such times, respecting each client’s unique experience, with the goal of guiding and protecting every step of the way. That often includes Trust Administration, and helping new Trustees and Beneficiaries understand what to do after a death.

Make sure your Last Will & Testament, your Living Will and Health Care Directive, Living Trust, Powers of Attorney, and Estate Administration Plan are up-to-date with your current family situation and the latest laws. You’ll also need to protect yourself as a trustee. Legal advice from a San Francisco estate planning attorney can help with all that and more—serving your needs, solving issues, and helping you achieve your goals during a comprehensive consultation.

Trust and Estate Attorney Bay Area – California Expert

Need counsel from a trust and estate attorney in the Bay Area? Make an appointment with CunninghamLegal for Estate Planning and Trust Administration. We offer in-person, phone, and Zoom consultations. Call (707) 542-1700 or book an appointment online to learn more.

We guide savvy, caring families in protecting and transferring multi-generational wealth.

San Francisco
50 California St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: (866) 988-3956

IMPORTANT: Staffed only by appointment. Please send mail to our Auburn, NorCal Corporate office.

Oakland Hills
Montclair Village
6200 Antioch Street, Suite 202
Oakland, California 94611
(510) 339-0233

IMPORTANT: Staffed only by appointment. Please send mail to our Auburn, NorCal Corporate office.

Walnut Creek
The Atrium Building
1981 N. Broadway, Suite 300
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 930-6000

IMPORTANT: Staffed only by appointment. 

San Rafael

899 Northgate Drive
Suite 307
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (415) 358-6970

IMPORTANT: Staffed only by appointment. Please send mail to our Auburn, NorCal Corporate office.