Possible Indicators Of Elder Financial Abuse

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It is a common concept to want companionship, and elders are no exception. Unfortunately, an elder with diminishing capacity can easily become a victim of financial abuse if they and/or their advocates are not careful to watch for the indicators of elder mistreatment. Here are a handful of possible indicators of elder financial abuse to be aware of and look for:

  • Unpaid bills, eviction notices, or notices to discontinue utilities.
  • Withdrawals from bank accounts or transfers between accounts that the older person cannot explain.
  • Bank statements and canceled checks no longer come to the elder’s home.
  • New “best friends”.
  • Legal documents, such as powers of attorney, which the older person didn’t understand at the time he or she signed them.
  • Unusual activity in the older person’s bank accounts including large, unexplained withdrawals, frequent transfers between accounts, or ATM withdrawals.
  • The care of the elder is not commensurate with the size of his/her estate.
  • A caregiver expresses excessive interest in the amount of money being spent on the older person.
  • Belongings or property are missing.
  • Suspicious signatures on checks or other documents.
  • Absence of documentation about financial arrangements.
  • Implausible explanations given about the elderly person’s finances by the elder or the caregiver.
  • The elder is unaware of or does not understand financial arrangements that have been made for him or her.

– The National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

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Best, Jim

James L. Cunningham Jr., Esq.

Founder, CunninghamLegal

At CunninghamLegal, we guide savvy, caring families in the protection and transfer of multi-generational wealth.

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