Tax SECRETS: How to Pay Less & Not Outlive Savings, Strategy

Estate Planning strategies from lawyer, insurance and tax experts, to help save taxes and strategize for future 2021, 2022, 2025

We all want to up our retirement game with some little-known financial moves. That’s why we’ve assembled a high-power panel to explain how you can convert some tax-deferred money to tax-free money in retirement using non-traditional approaches. It’s a great way to make sure you don’t outlive your nest egg!

Founder of CunninghamLegal and expert estate planning attorney Jim Cunningham is joined by Hobie Beman from Midland National Life Insurance Company and financial advisor Lindsey Orta from Ascent Wealth Management to give you the best up-to-date information. We’ll give you tax planning strategies for the future so you don’t outlive your savings.

This panel of experts also looks ahead to 2025, when current tax rates expire, and examines ways to avoid potential estate taxes. A must for anyone doing serious retirement planning. Learn the tax secrets of the wealth, property tax secrets, and income tax secrets.

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