Rachelle Lee-Warner

Partner at CunninghamLegal

Attorney Rachelle Lee-Warner, Partner at CunninghamLegal, specializes in Trust Administration, where her even-keeled manner and quiet strength have guided hundreds of grateful clients during some very difficult times.

“I often meet with clients who are in the midst of stressful and emotional situations,” she notes. “Whether it be the declining health or loss of a loved one, my goal is to be a voice of reason, a calm presence, and an encourager through the process. Helping these clients gives me purpose in my career.”

Licensed in California and Missouri, Rachelle is well-traveled as a person and as a lawyer. She grew up in the Midwest, received her undergraduate degree in English Literature from Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, and studied a summer in Spain. She moved to California to pursue and complete her JD at the University of San Diego. Following law school, she joined a San Diego firm and gained experience in Estate Planning, Corporate Formation, Business Law, and Tax Law. Rachelle’s marriage to a Naval aviator took her on further adventures, including a year serving as a prosecutor for the Guam Attorney General and passing the Virginia Bar while residing in Norfolk, VA.

My goal is to be a voice of reason, a calm presence, and an encourager through that process. And because of this, I find so much joy and purpose in my career.

In 2012, Rachelle joined CunninghamLegal, where besides specializing in Trust Administration, she works in Probate and Estate Planning. She is often asked to bring her wide experience in business and tax issues to the table.

Bringing Peace of Mind Is Part of the Job

Rachelle is also called upon to deal with client legal emergencies when the worst happens.

“One of my clients was in hospice care and had an A/B trust with property in the B Trust carrying significant gain since her husband had passed away,” offers Rachelle as an example. “If left intact, her daughters would pay hundreds of thousands in capital gains taxes. I was able to get an ex parte petition filed and granted within two days to eliminate the capital gains taxes for her daughters. My client died a few days later, and her daughters were so grateful we sprung into action to save them money and give their mother peace in her last few days.”

I want to be known as an attorney who treats each client like they are my only client. Each situation is unique and each client deserves to be heard and offered the assistance we can provide.

Exactly the kind of situation you need an experienced California Trust Administration attorney to handle—and quickly.

It’s All About Perspective

Rachelle says she can clearly point to two specific occurrences that led her to a career in estate planning. “After two pivotal events in my life—becoming a mother and losing a parent—my perspective shifted,” she recalls. “Those events helped shape me to understand more clearly the perspective of my clients and my clients’ needs.”

No matter how many people she helps, Rachelle never loses sight of the fact that no two cases—or people—are alike. “I want to be known as an attorney who treats each client like they are my only client,” she says. “Each situation is unique and each client deserves to be heard and offered the assistance we can provide.”

Here are just few notes of appreciation Rachelle has received from our clients:

“Without you, we would be tearing our hair out and our collective blood pressures would be through the roof!”

“You are consistently a pleasure to work with and are a wonderful partner through this!”

“We cannot TELL you how much your help and guidance has meant to us! Your calm reassurance keeps us centered at a time when the world seems completely unknowable. Thank you!”

“I’d like to thank you for your graciousness as an individual and professional. You consistently handle yourself with poise and consideration and I value the manner in which you navigated, educated, contributed, and guided.”


As a wife and mom to three children, Rachelle says that family is at the root of everything she does. “Being a wife, mother, and friend bring tremendous meaning to my life,” she says. “I find satisfaction when I nurture people, encourage them, and support them in their endeavors.”

Outside of work, Rachelle recharges with myriad activities, including running, strength training, cooking, and volunteering in church and community events.

Contact Us Today

Rachelle Lee-Warner and our full team of attorneys can help you with advanced Estate Planning & Tax Planning from any of our offices throughout Northern and Southern California. We offer in-person, phone, and Zoom appointments. Request an appointment online or call (866) 988-3956.

At CunninghamLegal, we guide savvy, caring families in the protection and transfer of multi-generational wealth.

Attorney Rachelle Lee-Warner
Rachelle-Lee Warner, Estate Planning and Tax Attorney

Contact us today for a consultation!

Rachelle-Lee Warner, Estate Planning and Tax Attorney