The California Estate Planning Attorneys at CunninghamLegal Welcome Fredrick J. Weitkamp Clients

The California Estate Planning Attorneys at CunninghamLegal welcome Fredrick J. Weitkamp Clients. As specialists in Living Trusts, Estate Planning, and California Probate Law, we look forward to handling your Estate Planning needs.

Mr. Weitkamp’s Granada Hills Practice Will be Served by CunninghamLegal’s Woodland Hills Office.

On April 1, 2018, the Law Offices of Fredrick J. Weitkamp joined the CunninghamLegal family when Mr. Weitkamp began his well-deserved retirement. At the time, Mr. Weitkamp wrote a letter to his clients, announcing the transition. Since writing this letter, Fred Weitkamp has sadly passed away, leaving us with his legacy of excellence and caring. For those who may have missed his letter, we’ve included it below:

Dear Client:

For some 50 years, I have had the pleasure and privilege of serving you and other clients in matters concerning your Estate Planning. In some cases, three generations of family members have sought my counsel, and I have certainly enjoyed this relationship.

It now appears that it is time for me to move on to retirement. With that in mind, I am transitioning my law practice to Jim Cunningham, Jr., with CunninghamLegal, a second-generation attorney who has devoted his career to estate planning, and is a California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law.  I anticipate that the transition will take place April 1, 2018.

This transition will not affect your existing estate plan. Jim and I will work together to make this transition as seamless and easy for you and your family as possible.  If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to call the office at (818) 363-3144.

Warmest regards,

Fredrick J. Weitkamp

What Do We Do as California Estate Planning Attorney Specialists?

The lawyers and staff at CunninghamLegal help people plan for some of the most difficult times in their lives; then we guide them when those times come.

Make an appointment to meet with CunninghamLegal for California Estate Planning and Trust Administration. We have offices throughout California, and we offer in-person, phone, and Zoom appointments. Just call (866) 988-3956 or book an appointment online.

Please also consider joining one of our free online Estate Planning Webinars.

We look forward to working with you!

Best, Jim

James L. Cunningham Jr., Esq.

Founder, CunninghamLegal

At CunninghamLegal, we guide savvy, caring families in the protection and transfer of multi-generational wealth.


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